80th Session
(Rome, 9 December 2021)


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1. Opening of the session by the Secretary-General and the Chair of the General Assembly 2020-2021

2. Election of the Chair of the General Assembly 2021-2022

3. Adoption of the agenda (A.G. (80) 1 rev.)

4. Statement regarding the Organisation’s activity in 2021 (A.G. (80) 2)

5. Amendments to the Work Programme of the Organisation for the 2020-2022 triennium (A.G. (80) 3)

6. Final modifications to the Budget and approval of the Accounts for the 2020 financial year (A.G. (80) 4)

7. Adjustments to the Budget for the 2021 financial year (A.G. (80) 5)

8. Arrears in contributions of Member States (A.G. (80) 6)

9. Approval of the draft Budget for 2022 and observations submitted by Member States (A.G. (80) 7)

10. Update on the compensation and pension scheme for UNIDROIT staff (A.G. (80) 8)

11. Update on implementation of whistle-blower and anti-retaliation policy (A.G. (80) 9)

12. Any other business.