International congresses, meetings and seminars

Rome, UNIDROIT, LXII+431 pages, Uniform Law Review 1983/I-II, soft-bound.
unit price / prix unitaire € 45

This volume reproduces the basic Conference working materials, that is the texts submitted to the Conference for adoption, in particular the draft Convention together with its explanatory report, the working papers submitted to the different organs of the Conference, the summary records of all sessions of both the Conference Plenum and the Committee of the Whole, as well as the texts and instruments adopted by the Conference

These Acts were published as Volume 1983/I-II of the Uniform Law Review.

Available from Unidroit: publications@unidroit.org

Acts of the Congress to Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT)

Special issue of Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, 2003, Issue 1/2 – Table of contents

(Actas – Congreso Interamerican – Hacia un nuevo régimen para la contractación mercantil internacional: los Principios de UNIDROIT sobre los contratos comerciales internacionales, Valencia, Venezuela, 6-9 Noviembre 1996 / Acts – Inter-American Congress – A new approach to international commercial relations: the UNIDROIT Principles of international Commercial Contracts, Valencia, Venezuela, 6-9 November 1996) – Table of contents


Rome, International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), 1998, 26 x17 cm. VII, 385 pages soft-bound.
ISBN 88-86449-02X


Exclusive distributor in Australia and New Zealand :

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Indice / Table of Contents


  • MESTRE, Frédérique, reemplazando / on behalf of FERRARI BRAVO, Luigi
  • SEIJA PITALUGA, Humberto
  • ROMERO, Asdrúbal
  • AGUÍAR A., Asdrúbal



FERRARI BRAVO, Luigi – La contribución de UNIDROIT al proceso de unificación del derecho privado

BONELL, Michael Joachim – The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts: General presentation

OPERTTI BADÁN, Didier – El estado actual del tratamiento jurídico de los contratos comerciales internacionales en el continente americano

JUENGER, Friedrich K. – Contract choice of law in the Americas

KOZOLCHYK, Boris – The UNIDROIT Principles as a model for the unification of the best contractual practices in the Americas

BAPTISTA, Luiz Olavo- The UNIDROIT Principles – A possible model for the harmonization of international contract law in the context of the regional integration of the Americas, with special reference to MERCOSUR

BORJAS HERNÁNDEZ, Leopoldo – Los Principios de UNIDROIT: ¿ Un modelo posible con miras a la armonización del derecho de los contratos comerciales internacionales en el contexto de la integración regional en las Américas ?

SIQUEIROS, José Luis – Los Principios de UNIDROIT como normativa aplicable por los árbitros en controversias comerciales internacionales

HOLTZMANN, Howard M . – Application of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in arbitrations governed by the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration

BOGGIANO, Antonio – La solución de controversias: los Principios de UNIDROIT como normativa aplicable a los contratos comerciales internacionales por los jueces nacionales y por los árbitros

HINESTROSA, Fernando – Los Principios de UNIDROIT: Una nueva lingua franca

FARNSWORTH, E. Allan – The UNIDROIT Principles: A new lingua franca for the drafting of international commercial contracts?

ILLESCAS ORTIZ, José – Los Principios de UNIDROIT: ¿ Una nueva lingua franca para la redacción de los contratos comerciales internacionales ?

ABASCAL, José María – Los Principios de UNIDROIT como instrumento para interpretar o suplementar textos internacionales de derecho uniforme o textos de derecho interno

ZIEGEL, Jacob S. – The UNIDROIT Contract Principles, CISG and National Law

BÉRAUDO, Jean-Paul – Los Principios de UNIDROIT como instrumento para interpretar o suplementar textos internacionales de derecho uniforme o textos de derecho interno


  • SCHIPANI, Sandro
  • ALTERINI, Atilio Aníbal
  • HAMILTON, Rayner M.
  • MADRUGA FILHO, Antenor


ADRIÁN HERNÁNDEZ, Tomás Mariano – Las “ventajas desproporcionadas” en los Principios de UNIDROIT sobre los contratos comerciales internacionales

MORÁN BOVIO, David – ¿ Falta un precepto en los Principios de UNIDROIT ? Reflexión sobre los intereses como indemnización de mínimo con carácter objetivo

PERALES VISCASILLAS, María del Pilar – Los Principios de UNIDROIT como objeto y como instrumento de interpretación

TRAMHEL, Jeannette – UNIDROIT & OAS: Supplementary initiatives for the furtherance of international contract law


PARRA-ARANGUREN, Gonzalo – Conclusión / Conclusions


  • KLEBER, Ernesto



Los Principios de UNIDROIT sobre los contratos comerciales internacionales: texto de los artículos

The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts: text of the articles

International Uniform Law in Practice / Le droit uniforme international dans la pratique. Acts and Proceedings of the 3rd Congress on Private Law held by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), Rome 7-10 September 1987

This volume contains reports in English or in French on the themes:

  • Uniform law and its introduction into national law
  • Uniform law and its application by judges and arbitrators
  • Uniform law and its impact on business circles

Rome, International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), 1988. 24 x 17.5 cm. XI, 575 pages, soft-bound.
ISBN 0-379-20972-1
Available from UNIDROIT

New Directions in International Trade Law – Acts and Proceedings of the 2nd Congress on Private Law held by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), Rome, 9-15 September 1976

These two volumes contain reports in English or in French on the themes:

  • The law of international trade: a new task for national legislators or a new “lex mercatoria”?
  • The autonomy of the contracting parties in international trade relations
  • The relevance of course of dealing, usages and customs in the interpretation of international contracts
  • Contracts of adhesion and the protection of the weaker party in international trade relations
  • The international unification and harmonisation of the law regarding multinational companies
  • The State as a party to contracts concerning concessions or investments with foreign private companies
  • Anti-trust rules and concentration between firms on an international scale


Dobbs Ferry, NY, Oceana Publications, Inc., 1977. 26 x 18.5 cm. 2 volumes hard-bound.
ISBN 0-379-00670-7 (v.1); 0-379-00671-5 (v.2)
Available from Oceana Publications, Inc.

The proceedings of this Congress, in French only, were published as Volume II of the series Unification du droit.
Price: € 25
Available from UNIDROIT: publications@unidroit.org