On 25 September 2002 the Governing Council of UNIDROIT adopted the Model Franchise Disclosure Law finalised by a Committee of Governmental Experts convened by the organisation to examine a draft prepared by the UNIDROIT Study Group on Franchising.

Work on the preparation of a Model Franchise Disclosure Law started in January 1999 with the preparation by a Drafting Committee of a first draft.

This draft was submitted to the Study Group in Plenary in December 1999 and again in December 2000, when the Group completed its task. Following the instructions of the Governing Council of UNIDROIT, the text of the draft Model Law accompanied by the Explanatory Report thereto was thereupon submitted to a Committee of Governmental Experts which finalised its work in April 2002.

The text of the draft Model Law and draft Explanatory Report thereto were transmitted to the Governing Council of UNIDROIT in September 2002.