On 18 January 2023, UNIDROIT Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado and the Dean of the Özyeğin University Law School Istanbul, Professor Özlem Yenerer Çakmut, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation and exchange between the two institutions. Among others, the agreement aims to strengthen consideration of 
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Between 28 and 30 November 2022, UNIDROIT hosted the sixth session of the Model Law on Factoring Working Group at its Headquarters in Rome, Italy. 35 participants attended the meeting either in-person or remotely, including expert Working Group Members; representatives from the EBRD, UNCITRAL, the 
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On 16 November 2022, a UNIDROIT delegation visited the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Headquarters in Manila and participated in a hybrid session on international private law developments relating to private sector development, trade and sustainable development. The panel featured ADB General Counsel Thomas Clark (Chair), 
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Between 14 – 16 November 2022, a UNIDROIT delegation visited Manila for a series of meetings with Government officials and key domestic stakeholders. The mission was organised in partnership with Professor Virgilio de los Reyes (Dean of De La Salle University College of Law, UNIDROIT 
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On 12 October 2022, UNIDROIT held a virtual Question and Answer session on the Model Law on Factoring, as part of the public consultation that the Institute is undertaking on the draft instrument between July and October 2022. Chaired by Professor Henry Gabriel (UNIDROIT Governing Council 
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Between 4 – 5 October 2022, the Joint Network for Coordinating and Supporting Secured Transactions Reforms held the 5th International Coordination of Secured Transactions Reform Conference at the UNIDROIT Headquarters in Rome, Italy. The 5th Coordination Conference was hosted by UNIDROIT in its capacity as 
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Between 25-27 May 2022, UNIDROIT participated in an APEC Workshop on Modernising Secured Transaction Legal Regimes in APEC Economies through International Instruments and Effective Dispute Resolution Mechanisms, in Tokyo, Japan. UNIDROIT Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado delivered opening remarks at the start of the Workshop, Senior Legal 
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On Tuesday 17 May 2022 the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Italy Li Junhua and UNIDROIT Secretary-General Professor Ignacio Tirado concluded an exchange of notes to further enhance cooperation between the Government of the People’s Republic 
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On 21-22 February 2022, UNIDROIT participated in the First Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Committee Meeting (EC1), held online as part of Thailand’s 2022 host country programme. Senior Legal Officer William Brydie-Watson represented UNIDROIT at the meeting, which included a Policy Dialogue on the 
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