Launch Workshop of the UNIDROIT Nordic Law Centre

On 15 December, UNIDROIT organised a Workshop on Contra Proferentem in Nordic Contract Law to launch the recently-founded UNIDROIT Centre for Nordic Studies and Transnational Private Law (UNIDROIT Nordic Law Centre). A welcome and tour of the Nordic Law Centre preceded the Workshop.

The Workshop was held in a hybrid format and provided a comparative law perspective on the contra proferentem principle in the Nordic countries — Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Speakers shared their insights on the interpretation and application of the principle in these jurisdictions and discussed the idea behind comparing contra proferentem in Nordic contract laws. The discussion included observations drawn from a questionnaire, contributing to a deeper understanding of Nordic contract law tradition(s).

The Workshop commenced with welcome remarks by UNIDROIT Secretary-General Professor Ignacio Tirado, Professor Peter Arnt Nielsen and Professor Giuditta Cordero-Moss, and was moderated by Associate Professor Yuliya Chernykh (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Oslo). The panel featured presentations by Yuliya Chernykh, Rasmus Kamstrup Bogetoft (Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen), Eyvindur Gunnarsson (Professor, University of Iceland), Julianne Meling Habberstad (Associate Professor, Inland University of Applied Sciences), Jonas Rosengren (Partner, Werks Advokater) and Anna-Maria Tamminen (Partner, Hannes Snellman’s Dispute Resolution Group).

This Workshop was the first in a series of workshops to be organized as part of the activities of the recently-founded UNIDROIT Centre for Nordic Studies and Transnational Private Law (UNIDROIT Nordic Law Centre). The UNIDROIT Nordic Law Centre is a research centre hosted under the umbrella of the UNIDROIT Academy with the participation of institutions from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The Centre focuses on Nordic law and comparative law in relation to private law and Nordic law and supports research in these areas. It also seeks to increase international awareness of Nordic law and enhance the dissemination and knowledge of UNIDROIT’s work in the region.


Read more about the newly-constituted Centre here.










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