On Monday 25 March 2024, UNIDROIT welcomed a high-level delegation from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) at the seat of UNIDROIT in Rome. The President of UNIDROIT Maria Chiara Malaguti, Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano, and Prof. Louise Gullifer, Senior Legal Consultant, met with Mr Thomas 
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From 18 to 20 March 2024, the fifth session of the Working Group on Collaborative Legal Structures for Agricultural Enterprises (the “LSAE Project”) was held at UNIDROIT in Rome and online via Zoom. The LSAE Project is a high-priority project jointly undertaken by UNIDROIT, the 
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Between 13 to 15 March 2024, the Working Group on International Investment Contracts met for its second session in Paris and online via Zoom. The meeting was attended by 28 Working Group Members and Observers. The project on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts 
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Between 4 to 6 March 2024, the Working Group on Bank Insolvency met for its sixth session at the seat of UNIDROIT in Rome and online via Zoom. The meeting was attended by 15 individual experts and over 60 representatives of the Working Group’s institutional 
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Between 9-11 February 2024, UNIDROIT participated in the 2nd Annual Conference of the Insolvency Law Academy held on Divar Island in Goa, India. The Insolvency Law Academy (ILA) is an independent think tank and research institution in India, with which UNIDROIT concluded a Memorandum of 
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On 5-9 February 2024, the draft UNCITRAL/UNIDROIT Model Law on Warehouse Receipts with the draft Guide to Enactment were discussed by delegates and observers of UNCITRAL Working Group I during its 41st session at the UN Headquarters in New York. UNIDROIT was represented by Legal Officer Philine 
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On 18 and 19 January 2024, the World Bank Group (WBG) welcomed a high-level delegation from UNIDROIT to its Headquarters in Washington DC. The purpose of the mission was to strengthen UNIDROIT – WBG cooperation on projects of mutual interest, with a particular focus on 
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So-called orphan works, in other words cultural property with no proven provenance or with significant gaps in its provenance, are the source of many legal, ethical, archaeological and historical questions. UNIDROIT is proud to announce the publication of the contributions of the speakers at the 
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We are pleased to announce the launch of the UNIDROIT Essay Competition, supported by the International Law Institute (ILI) and facilitated by the UNIDROIT Foundation. Participants are invited to author an essay in English between 2000 and 3000 words (excluding footnotes and references) examining the use of the 
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On 15 December, UNIDROIT organised a Workshop on Contra Proferentem in Nordic Contract Law to launch the recently-founded UNIDROIT Centre for Nordic Studies and Transnational Private Law (UNIDROIT Nordic Law Centre). A welcome and tour of the Nordic Law Centre preceded the Workshop. The Workshop 
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