UNIDROIT participates in a Workshop on “Sustainability in the Food Supply Chain: Challenges and the Role of Law and Policy”

UNIDROIT was pleased to be invited to a workshop on “Sustainability in the Food Supply Chain: Challenges and the Role of Law and Policy” which was hosted by the University of Edinburgh Law School and the Society of Legal Scholars. The topic is closely aligned with the work of UNIDROIT on Collaborative Legal Structures for Agricultural Enterprises (CLSAE). The Coordinator of the CLSAE Working Group, Prof. Fabrizio Cafaggi, gave Keynote Address 1 (Power and liabilities in agri-food supply chains: shortcomings due to misalignments and potential responses) and one of its experts, Prof. Paola Iamiceli, chaired Roundtable 2 (Role of contract law in causing and responding to regulatory challenges in food supply chains). Ms. Jeannette Tramhel, UNIDROIT Senior Legal Consultant, gave Keynote Address 2 (The Supply Chain Governance Gap: What Role for Private International Law?) and chaired Roundtable 1 (Regulating farming and food supply chains). For more information, see the agenda.

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