Rome, 4 July 2024 – The third edition of the International Programme for Law and Cooperation (IPLD) of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit) ended with a solemn ceremony at the historic headquarters of Villa Aldobrandini in Rome. The event featured 
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20 participants in the International Programme for Law and Development of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (IPLD – UNIDROIT), financed by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (DGCS/MAECI), welcomed in Rome. Rome, 
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On June 6th, the third edition of the International Programme for Law and Development (IPLD) by UNIDROIT began with an inaugural online seminar. This year, the program welcomed 20 experts from 17 African countries, including judges, public attorneys, and legislative drafters, who will engage in 
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On 15 May 2024, President Maria Chiara Malaguti participated in a Panel addressed to the Codeway Expo Plenary entitled “Training and Development. Investing in People” to present the UNIDROIT IPLD project, which benefits from the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Agency for 
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UNIDROIT is proud to be represented at the CODEWAY EXPO 2024. President Maria Chiara Malaguti participated in the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Grand Opening this morning, and a very rich programme of events will unfold this afternoon and in the coming days. The complete 
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The call for applications for the 3rd edition of UNIDROIT’s International Law and Development Programme (IPLD) is online! IPLD 2024 will be held from 6 June to 5 July 2024, the first two weeks online and the following three weeks face-to-face at UNIDROIT’s headquarters in 
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Receive but also give, learn and at the same time teach, and in any case contribute to a common path that concerns everybody – this is the appeal of Makane Moise Mbengue, professor of international law at the University of Geneva. Professor Mbengue, who has 
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As the celebration of its 100th anniversary nears, UNIDROIT is committing itself to contributing towards reaching Agenda 2030’s goals for sustainable development. At present, UNIDROIT counts 65 Member States, but that tally does not reflect the fact that, “together, UNIDROIT’s 65 Member States represent three-quarters 
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Justice Wille came to Rome to meet with jurists from 17 countries that participated in UNIDROIT’s International Programme for Law and Development. “The UNIDROIT Principles are a point of reference where national laws cannot reach or do not provide concrete solutions,” said Eduard Derek Wille, 
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UNIDROIT is soon to celebrate 100 years anniversary. During its 2nd edition of the International Programme for Law and Development (IPLD) UNIDROIT’s focus is on Africa. In this interview, by “DIRE” ( Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado, explains why. UNIDROIT is proud that its 65 Member States 
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