On 23 June, Judge of the High Court in South Africa Eduard Derek Wille, who had participated in the first edition of the International Programme for Law and Development (IPLD), returned to present his practical experience in using the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts as 
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On 23 June, Jose Angelo Estrella-Faria, Principal Legal Officer and Head of the Legislative Branch, UNCITRAL, and Philine Wehling, Legal Officer at Unidroit presented the draft UNCITRAL/UNIDROIT Model Law on Warehouse Receipts to the International Programme for Law and Development, focusing on the objectives and 
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On 22 June, Professor Maria Chiara Malaguti, President of UNIDROIT, participated in the Water Innovation Summit 2023 as a speaker in the roundtable on “Political and Legal Cooperation” held in Bari, Italy. A key topic discussed during the roundtable was water cooperation across the Mediterranean, Middle East 
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On 22 June 2023, the International Program for Law and Development hosted guest lecturer Ms Carmen Bullon, LEGN Legal Officer at FAO, who presented the UNIDROIT/FAO/IFAD Legal Guide on Contract Farming. The lecture was accompanied by an interactive exchange with all participants. In the afternoon, 
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On 20 June 2023, the participants in the UNIDROIT International Programme for Law and Development enjoyed great discussions about the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (UPICC), led by Secretary-General Ignacio Tirado and Deputy Secretary-General Anna Veneziano. Additionally, Legal Officer Philine Wehling focused on the 
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Suggestions, sharing and proposals during the opening ceremony at the seat of Unidroit. ROME – Transparency, compatibility and reliability of legal systems are decisive elements in favour of investment and shared growth: this theme is at the centre of the training course which is being 
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On 14 June 2023 Deputy Secretary-General Professor Anna Veneziano represented UNIDROIT, enjoying the status of Guest Organisation, at a hybrid APEC Economic Committee Workshop organised in Bali, Indonesia. Professor Veneziano participated remotely in the second session, chaired by Mr Mike Dennis, entitled “International Instruments Landscape 
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At its 102nd session, held on 10-12 May 2023 in Rome, the Governing Council unanimously approved the draft UNCITRAL/UNIDROIT Model Law on Warehouse Receipts, to be submitted next to intergovernmental negotiations at UNCITRAL. The joint project to develop a Model Law on Warehouse Receipts had been proposed 
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On 22 February 2023, UNIDROIT received a delegation from the Mozambique National Commission for Land Policy Reform (Ministry of Land and Environment). The delegation composed of Mr João Carrilho, Prof. Eduardo Chiziane and Dr. Jorge Chicue was welcomed by UNIDROIT’s Secretary-General Prof. Ignacio Tirado and 
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On 16 November 2022, a UNIDROIT delegation visited the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Headquarters in Manila and participated in a hybrid session on international private law developments relating to private sector development, trade and sustainable development. The panel featured ADB General Counsel Thomas Clark (Chair), 
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