At its 92nd session (8 – 10 May 2013) the UNIDROIT Governing Council adopted the Principles on the Operation of Close-out Netting Provisions prepared by an UNIDROIT Committee of Governmental Experts and submitted to the Council. >>>> Further information
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The Official Commentary on the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol thereto on Matters specific to Space Assets, prepared by Professor Sir Roy Goode pursuant to a Resolution by the Berlin Diplomatic Conference which adopted the Space Protocol (2012), has been published. 
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The third edition of the Official Commentary on the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol thereto on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment, prepared by Professor Sir Roy Goode pursuant to a Resolution by the Cape Town Diplomatic Conference which adopted the Aircraft 
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On 18 April 2013, the Secretary-General of UNIDROIT, Mr José Angelo Estrella Faria, visited the Ministry of Justice of Vietnam, where he met the Deputy Minister, Mr Hoang The Lien, to discuss Vietnam’s development in the process of international integration and law reform, including on 
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On 16 April 2013, the Secretary-General of UNIDROIT, Mr José Angelo Estrella Faria, visited the Ministry of Justice of Japan, where he was received by the Assistant Vice-Minister and Deputy Director-General for the Civil Affairs Bureau, Mr Osamu Hagimoto, the Director of the Legislative Divion, 
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On 10 April 2013, the Government of the Republic of Madagascar deposited with UNIDROIT its instruments of accession to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and to the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Aircraft 
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On 29 December 2012 Mr M.J. Stanford, former Deputy Secretary-General of Unidroit, was appointed an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) by Her Majesty The Queen, for services to the international unification of law. On 26 March 2013, at Buckingham 
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On 26 March 2013 Canada submitted an updated set of declarations under Articles 39(1)(a), 39(1)(b), 39(4), 52, 53, 54(2) and 60 of the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and under Articles XXIX, XXX(1), XXX(2) and XXX(3) of the Protocol to the Convention on 
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On 13 March 2013 the Republic of Congo deposited with UNIDROIT declarations under Articles 39(1)(a), 39(1)(b), 40, 52, 53 and 54(2) of the Cape Town Convention. The deposit of the mandatory declaration under Article 54(2) of the Convention permits UNIDROIT to formally accept the deposit 
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Mr. Felix Onana Etoundi, Director General of the Regional Superior School for the Magistracy (ERSUMA) of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) visited UNIDROIT in Rome and met with the Secretary-General, Mr José Angelo Estrella Faria, on Thursday, 21 March 
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