The Italian translation of the black-letter rules of the ELI-UNIDROIT Model European Rules of Civil Procedure is now available on the UNIDROIT website. The translation was prepared by Professor Elisabetta Silvestri with the contribution of an all-female team of translators (Professors Laura Baccaglini, Giulia Canella, Elena D’Alessandro, 
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From 15 to 17 April 2024, the Best Practices for Effective Enforcement Working Group met for its eighth session at the seat of UNIDROIT in Rome (and online), under the Chairmanship of Governing Council member Ms Kathryn Sabo. After an update on the status of 
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The Portuguese translation of the black-letter rules of the ELI-UNIDROIT Model European Rules of Civil Procedure is now available on the UNIDROIT website. The translation was prepared by Professors Paula Costa e Silva, Edilson Vitorelli and João Marques Martins. More information about the ELI-UNIDROIT Model 
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On 5 and 6 February 2024, the ELI-UNIDROIT Model Rules of European Civil Procedure, adopted by the two organisations in 2020, were presented and discussed during a dissemination conference jointly sponsored by ELI and UNIDROIT and organised by ELI at the Austrian Academy of Sciences 
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On 29-30 November and 1 December 2023, Members and Observers of the Working Group on Best Practices for Effective Enforcement met at the seat of UNIDROIT in Rome and via videoconference to continue their work on draft best practices to render enforcement of creditors’ rights more effective. 
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Between 10 – 11 October 2023, UNIDROIT participated in an APEC Workshop in Tokyo on Secured Transactions Reform in the Asia Pacific region. The workshop was organised by the United States of America, which is currently serving as the 2023 APEC Host Economy. UNIDROIT participated 
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On Monday 25 September 2023, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) welcomed a high-level delegation from UNIDROIT to its Headquarters in London. The purpose of the mission was to strengthen UNIDROIT – EBRD cooperation on projects of mutual interest, with a particular focus 
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On 3 July 2023, in the context of India’s Presidency of the UNIDROIT General Assembly, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs organised a seminar in New Delhi dedicated to the work of UNIDROIT. The seminar was opened by Ms Uma Sekhar, Additional Secretary at the 
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On 29 June in the context of UNIDROIT’s International Programme for Law and Development, Prof Astrid Stadler (University of Konstanz, Germany), presented UNIDROIT’s work on civil procedure (ALI-UNIDROIT Principles and ELI/UNIDROIT European Model Rules).   The IPLD day closed with a presentation by Prof Teresa Rodriguez 
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On 28 June, Ignacio Tirado, Secretary-General, and Anna Veneziano, Deputy Secretary-General of UNIDROIT, welcomed Michel Nussbaumer, Director, Legal Transition Programme and Yulia Shapovalova, Principal Counsel of EBRD, to discuss matters of common interest and cooperation between the two organisations, with particular focus on Best Practices 
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