Une publication de l’Institut international pour l’unification du droit privé (UNIDROIT) – Publié par Oxford University Press


· Comité de rédaction

· Numéro actuel


Index codifié de la REVUE DE DROIT UNIFORME de 1974 à aujourd’hui 



Un instrument indispensable pour la recherche et la pratique juridiques de haut niveau en droit transnational


Dans sa nouvelle série publiée depuis 1996, la Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme est un forum de réflexion et d’information sur le droit uniforme pour tous les acteurs du droit privé et commercial international.


Cette publication bilingue (français/anglais) trimestrielle – de près d’un millier de pages par an – rend compte de la doctrine, des travaux des organisations internationales et de l’harmonisation du droit privé et commercial, y compris par voie de soft law, ainsi que de l’application des instruments de droit uniforme.


La Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme est publiée par Oxford University Press pour l’Institut international pour l’unification du droit privé – UNIDROIT, dont les réalisations sont amplement présentés dans la Revue – ainsi: la Convention de Rome de 1995 sur les biens culturels volés ou illicitement exportés, les Principes d’UNIDROIT relatifs aux contrats du commerce international, l’harmonisation de la procédure civile transnationale, et les instruments visant à faciliter le financement du commerce international: l’acquisition de biens d’équipement de grande valeur (la Convention du Cap et le Protocole aéronautique de 2001) et le domaine du droit financier et boursier, ainsi que l’harmonisation des règles matérielles applicables aux titres détenus auprès d’un intermédiaire.


Comment soumettre des contributions 

La Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme accueille favorablement les propositions d’articles en vue de leur publication. Une copie électronique doit être envoyée avec un bref curriculum vitae de l’auteur. La revue prend également en considération les contributions concernant: décisions de la jurisprudence/ sentences arbitrales concernant les Conventions de droit uniforme (sous forme d’étude générale), (Jurisprudence), et de critiques littéraires et notes (courtes) (Bibliographie).


Des informations complémentaires peuvent être obtenues:
Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme
Via Panisperna, 28
00184 Rome (Italie)
Tel.: +39 06 69621 24/33/39


NS Vol. 21 2016

– Issue 1
– Issue 2-3
Issue 4


NS Vol. 20 2015

– Issue 1
– Issue 2-3
– Issue 4


NS Vol. 19 2014

– Issue 4
– Issue 3
– Issue 2
– Issue 1


NS Vol. 18 2013

– Issue 3-4
– Issue 2
– Issue 1


NS Vol. 17 2012

NS Vol. 17 2012-3

Focus: Multilingualism in Financial Markets Governance: The Role of Language in the Process of International Regulatory Convergence (Contributors / Collaborateurs: A. Monti, G.G. Castellano, S. V. Bazinas, L.M. Franciosi, A. Gambaro, M. Graziadei)

NS Vol. 17 2012-1/2

Focus: Acts of the Colloquium on “Promoting Investment in Agriculture: Private Law Aspects” / Actes du colloque sur “la promotion de l’investissement pour la production agricole: aspects de droit privé”(Contributors / Collaborateurs: A.-M. Leroy / J. Lindsay, A. Massart, D. Nourissat, L. Verstappen / J. Zevenbergen, F. Collart Dutilleul, A.F. Camilo de Lima, C. Nicholas, G. Myers, H. Mann, M.J. Bonell, R.S.S.J. Martha, D. Tricot, A.M. Cosialls Ubach, J. Arrambide Montemayor, H. Henrÿ, Z. Lerman, A. Iannarelli, C. Pultrone, A.T. Melese, G.J.J.M. van Empel, E. Galishin, M. R. Mustafa, G.E. Onumah, H.D. Gabriel, M. Sultanov, M.J. Stanford)

NS Vol. 16 2011

NS Vol. 16 2011-3

Focus: The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts 2010 /Les Principes d’UNIDROIT relatifs aux contrats du commerce international 2010(Contributors /Collaborateurs: M.J. Bonell, E. Brödermann, B. Fauvarque-Cosson, E. Finazzi Agrò, M. Fontaine, L. Gama Jr., A.S. Komarov, S. Lake, T. Uchida, R. Zimmermann)

NS Vol. 16 2011-1/2

Focus: The Law of Securities Trading in Emerging Markets(cont’d)/Le droit des transactions portant sur les titres et les marchés émergents(suite)(Contributor /Collaborateur: Hideki Kanda)

Focus: Financial Leasing and its Unification by UNIDROIT /Le crédit-bail financier et son unification par UNIDROIT(Contributors /Collaborateurs: H. Kronke, B. Kohl, D.L. MacPherson, C. Walsh, S. HAN / W. WANG, T. Josipovic, B. François, I. Voulgaris, A. Frignani / M. Torsello, D. Faber / B. Schuijling, W.J. Katner, M. M. Inceoglu / B. Basoglu, P.W. Schroth, J. M. Wilson, S.P. Bazinas)

NS Vol. 15 2010

NS Vol. 15 2010-3/4 Focus: The Law of Securities Trading in Emerging Markets /Le droit des transactions portant sur les titres et les marchés émergents(Contributors /Collaborateurs: Edosa Kennedy Aigbekaen, Alexander Biryukov, Wouter Bossu, Rita Cunha, Hubert de Vauplane, Michel Deschamps, Luca Enriques, Matteo Gargantini, Valerio Novembre, Francisco J. Garciamartín Alférez, José M. Grrido, Isabelle Lebbe, Charles W. Mooney, Jr., Alain Pietrancosta, Nora Rachman, Luc Thévenoz)

NS Vol. 15 2010-2 Focus: Secured Transactions /Opérations garanties(Articles by Y. Baranes, S.V. Bazinas, N.B. Cohen, M. Deschamps, J.A. Estrella Faria, A.M. Garro, R.M. Kohn, R. A. Macdonald, L. Manderieux, R. Patch, J.-F. Riffard, J.-H. Röver, H.C. Sigman, E. Franco / M. Del Pilar Bonilla / M. R. Umarji / S. Weise, J. M. Wilson)

NS Vol. 14 2009

NS Vol. 14 2009-4 Focus on: The Rotterdam Rules /Les Règles de Rotterdam(Articles by M. Alba, F. Berlingieri, D. Esteban Chami, P. Delebecque, C. Fresnedo de Aguirre, C.D. Hooper, R. Illescas Ortiz, K. Lannan S. Yuzhou / H.H. Ku, M.F. Sturley, G. van der Ziel, A. von Ziegler, S. Zunarelli)

NS Vol. 13 2008

The 2008-1/2 issue of the Uniform Law Review is devoted to the Colloquium held at Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 15-17 November 2007 on « The Harmonisation of Contract Law Within OHADA ». Reports and communications presented at the Colloquium as well as the summaries of the debates are accessible via the links to the webpage Uniform Law Review 2008/1-2 – Table of Contents 

NS Vol. 12 2007

NS Vol. 12 2007-3 Special focus: Secured Rail Financing. Luxembourg Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Railway Rolling Stock, Luxembourg, 23 february 2007. (Articles by H. Rosen, F. Owono Essono, R. Castillo-Triana, J. M. Wilson, T. Josipovic, B. Poulain, S.L. Harris, G. Kafka, H.-G. Bollweg/K. Schnell, B.B. von Bodungen, K. Schott)

NS Vol. 11 2006

NS Vol. 11 2006-1 Special focus: The International Registration System for Aircraft Objects

The 2006-3 issue of the Uniform Law Review contains the papers presented at the Symposium held at Deauville (France), 18-19 May 2006: « 50thAnniversary of the CMR Convention – Future and Perspectives of International Road Transport ».
Presentation – Order form

NS Vol. 10 2005

NS Vol. 10 2005-1&2 Special Issue:Enhancing Legal Certainty over Investment Securities Held with an Intermediary – The preliminary draft UNIDROIT Convention, related international initiatives and national perspectives
PresentationOrder form

NS Vol. 9 2004

The 2004-4 issue of the Uniform Law Review contains the ALI / UNIDROIT Principles of Transnational Civil Procedureas well as a number of articles thereon.

NS Vol. 8 2003

The 2003-1/2 issue of the Uniform Law Review contains the papers presented at the Congress to Celebrate the 75thAnniversary of UNIDROIT, Rome 27-28 September 2002: “Worldwide Harmonisation of Private Law and Regional Economic Integration”.

NS Vol. 7 2002

The 2002-2 issue of the Uniform Law Review contains the OFFICIAL COMMENTARY on the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Protocol thereto on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment, by Professor Sir Roy Goode CBE, QC (as approved for distribution by the UNIDROIT Governing Council pursuant to Resolution No. 5 adopted by the Cape Town Diplomatic Conference)

NS Vol. 6 2001

The 2001-4 issue of the Uniform Law Review is dedicated to the theme « Harmonising Trasnational Civil Procedure: The ALI / UNIDROIT Principles and Rules »

NS Vol. 5 2000

The 2000-1 issue of the Uniform Law Review contains the papers presented at the Symposium « International Uniform Law Conventions, Lex Mercatoria and UNIDROIT Principles » held at VeronaUniversity (Italy), Faculty of Law, on 4-5 November 1999.

NS Vol. 4 1999

The 1999-2 issue of the Uniform Law Review is entirely dedicated to an analysis of the macro-economic and legal implications of UNIDROIT’s project for the creation of a new international regimen governing the taking of security in high-value mobile equipment.

NS Vol. 3 1998

The 1998-2/3 issue of the Uniform Law Review contains a collection of « Essays in memory of Malcolm Evans », Secretary-General of UNIDROIT from 1975 to 1997.

NS Vol. 2 1997

NS Vol. 1 1996

ULR 2012-4, pp. 599-607.

Roy GoodeFrom Acorn to Oak Tree: the Development of the Cape Town Convention and Protocols

ULR 2012-4, pp. 609-632.

Howard Rosen / Martin Fleetwood / Benjamin von BodungenThe Luxembourg Rail Protocol – Extending Cape Town Benefits to the Rail Industry

ULR 2012-3, pp. 449-481.

Giuliano G. CastellanoTowards a General Framework for a Common Definition of “Securities”: Financial Markets Regulation in Multilingual Contexts

ULR 2012-1/2.

Gregory MyersPrivate Law and Responsible Agricultural Investment Select Legal Issues for Consideration by UNIDROIT(ULR 2012-1/2, pp. 119-128)

Antonio IannarelliContractual Frameworks and Inter-firm Co-operation in the Agricultural Sector(ULR 2012-1/2, pp. 247-262)

ULR 2011-4.

Amin Dawwas / Yousef ShandiThe Applicability of the CISG to the Arab World(ULR 2011-4, pp. 813-841)

José Antonio Moreno RodríguezContracts and Non-State Law in Latin America(ULR 2011-4, pp. 877-889)

ULR 2011-3, pp. 719-733.

Eleonora Finazzi AgròThe Impact of the UNIDROIT Principles in International Dispute Resolution in Figures

ULR 2011-1/2, pp. 23-44.

Herbert KronkeFinancial Leasing and its Unification by UNIDROIT – General Report

ULR 2010-3/4, pp. 801-813.

Charles W. Mooney Jr.Private Law and the Regulation of Securities Intermediaries : Perspectives under the Geneva Securities Convention and United States Law

ULR 2010-2.

Michel DeschampsThe Security Interest Provisions of the UNIDROIT Convention on Intermediated Securities(ULR 2010-2, pp. 337-345)

Michel DeschampsLes dispositions sur les sûretés de la Convention d’UNIDROIT sur les titres intermédiés(ULR 2010-2, pp. 347-356)

Harry C. SigmanSome Thoughts about Registration with Respect to Security Rights in Movables(ULR 2010-2, pp. 507-514)

ULR 2010-1, pp. 137-151.

Anna VenezianoUNIDROIT Principles and CISG: Change of Circumstances and Duty to Renegotiate according to the Belgian Supreme Court

ULR 2009-3, pp. 437-554.

Michael Joachim Bonell, Roberta Peleggi,UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Draft Common Frame of Reference: a Synoptical Table 

ULR 2009-3, pp. 578et seq.

Martin Stanford,UNIDROIT’s Preparation of a Model Law on Leasing: The Crossing of New Frontiers in the Making of Uniform Law/La préparation par UNIDROIT d’une Loi type sur la location et sur la location-financement: de nouveaux horizons pour le droit uniforme

ULR 2009-1/2

José Angelo Estrella Faria,Future Directions of Legal Harmonisation and Law Reform: Stormy Seas or Prosperous Voyage(ULR 2009-1/2, pp. 5-34.)

Sergio M. Carbone, Maria Elena De Maestri,The Rationale for an International Convention on Third Party Liablity for Satellite Navigation Symbols(ULR 2009-1/2, pp. 35-55.)

ULR 2008-4.

Hans-Georg Bollweg,Initial Considerations regarding the Feasibility of an International UNIDROIT Instrument to Cover Liability for Damage Caused by Malfunctions in Global (Navigation) Satellite Systems (ULR 2008-4, pp. 1-21.)

Ulrich Magnus,Civil Liability for Satellite-based Services(ULR 2008-4, pp. 935-969.)

ULR 2008-3, pp. 685-712.

Peter Tochtermann,Agreements to Negotiate in the Transnational Context – Issues of Contract Law and Effective Dispute Resolution

ULR 2008-1/2

The 2008-1/2issue of the Uniform Law Review is devoted to the Colloquium held at Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 15-17 November 2007 on « The Harmonisation of Contract Law Within OHADA ». Reports and communications presented at the Colloquium as well as the summaries of the debates are accessible via the links to the webpageUniform Law Review 2008/1-2 – Table of Contents /Le numéro2008-1&2de la Revue de droit uniforme est entièrement consacré au Colloque tenu à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 15-17 novembre 2007 sur « L’harmonisation du droit OHADA des contrats ». L’ensemble des contributions, rapports et débats est accessible en texte intégral sur ce site, par des liens sur le sommaire du numéro.

ULR 2007-4, pp. 683-695.

Souichirou Kozuka,The Economic Implications of Uniformity in Law 

ULR 2007-2, pp. 233-245.

Michael Joachim Bonell,Towards a Legislative Codification of the UNIDOIT Principles (avec résumé en français)

ULR 2006-3

The 50thAnniversary of the CMR Convention – Future and Perspectives of International Road Transport.Conclusions of the Symposiumheld at Deauville (France) – 18-19 May 2006 (Isabelle Bon-Garcin – Chairperson of the Symposium) /Les 50 ans de la Convention CMR – Avenir et perspectives du transport international par route.Conclusions du Symposiumde Deauville (France) – 18-19 mai 2006(Isabelle Bon-Garcin – Présidente du Symposium)

ULR 2006-1

The International Registration System for Aircraft Objects / Le système d’inscription pour les biens aéronautiques 

– The Role of the International Registry Task Force /Le rôle du Groupe spécial sur le Registre international- J.R. STANDELL

– The International Registry: An Overview of its Structure /Le Registre international: présentation de sa structure- R.C.C. CUMING

– Regulations and Procedures for the International Registry

ULR 2005-4, pp. 683-718.

Félix Onana Etoundi,Les Principes d’UNIDROIT et la sécurité juridique des transactions commerciales dans l’avant-projet d’Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit des contrats (with abstract in English)

ULR 2005-1/2, Special issue /Dossier spécial:

Enhancing Legal Certainty over Investment Securities Held with an Intermediary – The preliminary draft UNIDROITConvention , related international initiatives and national perspectives –Prefaceby B. Sen

Vers une sécurité juridique accrue pour les titres financiers détenus auprès d’un intermédiaire. L’avant-projet de Convention d’UNIDROIT, autres initiatives internationales et perspectives nationales –Préfacede B. Sen

ULR 2004-3, pp. 467-477.

Herbert Kronke,Most Significant Relationship, Governmental Interests, Cultural Identity, Integration: « Rules » at Will and the Case for Principles of Conflict of Laws(Résumé en français)

ULR 2004-3, pp. 573-584.

Marcel Fontaine,The Draft OHADA Uniform Act on Contracts and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts(this is a translation ofLe projet d’Acte uniforme OHADA sur les contrats et les Principes d’UNIDROITrelatifs aux contrats du commerce internationalpublished in the Uniform Law Review 2004-2, pp. 253-267.)

ULR 2004-2, pp. 253-267.

Marcel Fontaine,Le projet d’Acte uniforme OHADA sur les contrats et les Principes d’UNIDROIT relatifs aux contrats du commerce international(with abstract in English)

ULR 2004-1, p. 5et seq.

Michael Joachim Bonell,UNIDROIT Principles 2004 – The New Edition of the Principles of International Commercial Contracts adopted by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law(avec résumé en français)

2003-1/2, p. 10et seq.

Herbert Kronke,UNIDROIT 75th Anniversary Congress on Worldwide Harmonisation of Private Law and Regional Economic Integration : Hypotheses, Certainties and Open Questions/Congrès du 75éme Anniversaire d’UNIDROIT – Harmonisation mondiale du droit privé et intégration économique régionale: hypothèses, certitudes et questions pendantes

2002-3, pp. 699-711

Jane K. Winn,Emerging Issues in Electronic Contracting, Technical Standards and Law Reform 
(avec résumé en français)

2002-1, pp. 3-15

Roy Goode,The Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment: a Driving Force for International Asset-Based Financing(avec résumé en français)

2001-3, p. 476et seq. (even numbered pages)

UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Property: Explanatory Report , prepared by the UNIDROIT Secretariat

2001-3, p. 477et seq. (numéros pairs)

Convention d’UNIDROIT sur les biens culturels volés ou illicitement exportés: rapport explicatif, préparé par le Secrétariat d’UNIDROIT

2001-2, pp. 283-300.

Steven L. Schwarcz,Indirectly Held Securities and Intermediary Risk(avec résumé en français)

2001-1, pp. 5-25.

B. Patrick Honnebier,The New International Regimen Proposed by UNIDROIT as a Means of Safeguarding Rights in rem of the Holder of an Aircraft under Netherlands Law(avec résumé en français)

2000-4, pp. 651-664.

Henry D. Gabriel,The New United States Uniform Electronic Transactions Act : Substantive Provisions, Drafting History and Comparison to the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce (avec résumé en français)

2000-3, pp. 429-440.

Zhang Yuqing – Huang Danhan,The New Contract Law in the People’s Republic of China and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts: A Brief Comparison(avec résumé en français)

2000-2, pp. 199-218.

Michael Joachim Bonell,The UNIDROIT Principles and Transnational Law(avec résumé en français)

1999, pp. 591-619; 877-907.

William Tetley, Mixed jurisdictions: common lawvscivil law (codified and uncodified) (Part IandPart II) (avec résumé en français)

1999-1, pp. 5-32.

Joseph Issa-Sayegh,Quelques aspects techniques de l’intégration juridique: l’exemple des actes uniformes de l’OHADA(with abstract in English)

1998-4, pp. 746et seq.

Philip F. Zeidman,The UNIDROIT Guide to International Master Franchise Arrangements: An Introduction and a Perspective/Le Guide d’UNIDROIT sur les accords internationaux de franchise principale: présentation et perspective

1998-1, pp. 52et seq.

Roy Goode,Transcending the boundaries of earth and space: the Preliminary Draft UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment/Par delà les frontières de la terre et de l’espace: l’avant-projet de Convention d’UNIDROIT relative aux garanties internationales portant sur des matériels d’équipement mobiles

1998-1, pp. 5-13.

Jan Ramberg,Unification of the Law of International Freight Forwarding(avec résumé en français)

1997-4, pp. 657-674.

Ernest Krings,Unification législative internationale récente en matière d’insolvabilité et de faillite(with abstract in English)

1997-3, pp. 441-450.

Arthur Rosett,UNIDROIT Principles and Harmonization of International Commercial Law: Focus on Chapter Seven(avec résumé en français)


1973 to 1995 (twice yearly), 24 x 17 cm. soft-bound.
1996 to 2012 (quarterly), 24 x 17 cm., soft-bound.


  • 1978 to 1995 (€ 45 per annual subscription) available from UNIDROIT – Fax +39 06 6994 1394
  • 1996 to 2012 (varied subscriptions) available from UNIDROIT – Fax +39 06 6994 1394

The Uniform Law Review – Revue de droit uniforme, a bilingual (English/French) periodical appeared twice yearly from 1973 to 1995 and quarterly from 1996 to 2012. It comprises a collection of material on the continuing progress achieved in the field of the unification of law, in particular, periodical reports on the progress realised in this field by international and regional organisations, studies carried out with a view to the unification of law, texts of uniform laws, conventions and other instruments adopted at international level, an updated bibliography on the subject and a selection of case law of various countries illustrating their application of uniform law texts. From 1996 the section on articles on uniform law and comparative law achieved new momentum, as the character of the Review changed into a more scholarly journal.

The Uniform Law Review represents the continuation of three bilingual (English/French) series formerly published by UNIDROIT: Unification of Law – Unification du droit; Unification of Law Yearbook – Unification du droit Annuaire; and Uniform Law Cases – Jurisprudence de droit uniforme.


Unification of Law – Unification du droit

1948-1956 in 4 volumes, 25.5 x 18 cm. soft-bound.
Price: € 40 per volume.
Volume I no longer available; Volumes II to IV, in unused but poor condition, available from UNIDROIT. – Fax +39 06 6994 1394

Vol. I (A general survey of work for the unification of private law 1926-1946)
Vol. II Actes du Congrès international de droit privé tenu à Rome en juillet 1950 [French version only]Vol. III (A general survey of work for the unification of private law 1947-1952)
Vol. IV (A general survey of work for the unification of private law 1953-1955)

Unification of Law Yearbook – Unification du droit Annuaire

1957-1972 IN 17 VOLUMES, 24 X 17 CM. SOFT-BOUND

Available from UNIDROIT on request – Fax +39 06 6994 1394

The Yearbook – Annuaire series deals with achievements in the field of unification of law in the years 1956 to 1971. Each Yearbook contains a general survey of work for the unification of private law (a survey of the work of Unidroit; texts of international agreements and drafts of international agreements based on the work of UNIDROIT; a survey of the achievements of unification; international conventions and draft conventions; a bibliography on the unification of law).


Uniform Law Cases – Jurisprudence de droit uniforme

Years 1959-1971: 35 mm microfilm, complete in 2 reels – NO LONGER AVAILABLE

Between 1959 and 1971 the section of the Yearbook which had up until 1958 dealt with case law was published separately in the series Uniform Law Cases – Jurisprudence de droit uniforme. It comprised a selection of case law of various countries illustrating their application and interpretation of uniform law texts.