Select bibliography on the Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matter specific to Aircraft Equipment (Cape Town, 16 November 2001)
Informations bibliographiques sur le Protocole portant sur les questions spécifiques aux matériels d’équipement aéronautiques à la Convention relative aux garanties internationales portant sur des matériels d’équipement mobiles (Le Cap, 16 novembre 2001)
The Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment was drafted in a single original in the Arabic , Chinese , English , French, Russian and Spanish languages, all texts being equally authentic. It has been translated into Dutch, Italian and German.
GOODE, R. – Official Commentary (Third edition) on the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Protocol thereto on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment. UNIDROIT, 2008, pp. vi + 567.
Diplomatic Conference to Adopt a Mobile Equipment Convention and an Aircraft Protocol – Acts and Proceedings. UNIDROIT, 2006, pp. xii + 925.
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ANDENÆS, Mads T. – FAIRGRIEVE, Duncan – There is a world elsewhere – Lord Bingham and comparative law: the Cape Town Convention and Protocols and their contribution to international commercial law, in: Tom Bingham and the transformation of the law, 2009, pp. 867-866.
BUNKER, D.H. – International aircraft financing, Montreal-Geneva, International Air Transport Association, 2005.
CREYDT, M. – Die Regelungen des Internationalen Privat- und Zivilverfahrensrechts in Hinblick auf das Übereinkommen über internationale Sicherungsrechte an beweglicher Ausrüstung und den dazugehörigen Protokollentwurf über Weltraumvermögenswerte, in: Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts, 24 (2004), 499-504.
DESCHAMPS, Michel – The perfection and priority rules of the Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Protocol: a comparative analysis, in: Cape Town Convention Journal, 2013, pp. 51-64.
DESCHAMPS, M. – Les règles de priorité de la Convention et du Protocol du Cap [in English and in French], in: Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, NS 7 (2002), 17-48.
Diplomatic Conference to Adopt a Mobile Equipment Convention and an Aircraft Protocol. Acts and Proceedings. Rome, International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), 2006, pp. xii + 925.
GOODE, Royston M. – Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol thereto on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment: Official commentary / by Sir Roy Goode. – 3rd ed. – Rome : UNIDROIT, 2013, pp. xviii-763.
GOODE, Royston M. – The treatment of intangible assets under the Cape Town Convention and Protocols, in: Cape Town Convention Journal, 2013, pp. 41-49.
GOODE, R. M. – Yi dong she bei guo ji li yi gong yue he you guan hang kong qi she bei te ding wen ti yi ding shu [Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol thereto on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment (in Chinese)] / translated by Sun Shizhu, Beijing, Zhongguo minghang chubanshe, 2004, 191 pages.
GOODE, R. – Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol thereto on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment – Official Commentary (Revised edition). Rome, International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), 2008, pp. vi + 567.
GOODE, R.M.: Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol thereto on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment: Official Commentary / Roy Goode. – 3rd ed. – Rome, UNIDROIT, 2013, pp. xviii + 763.
HAAG. S.A. – Sicherungsrechte an Flugzeugen in der Einzelzwangsvollstreckung und Insolvenz, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Übereinkommens über internationale Sicherungsrechte an beweglicher Ausrüstung und dem Protokoll zum Übereinkommen betreffend Besonderheiten der Luftfahrzeugausrüstung, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2004, pp. xix + 218 (Nomos Universitätsschriften: Recht; 419).
HONNEBIER, B.P. – The new international regimen proposed by UNIDROIT as a means of safeguarding rights in rem of the holder of an aircraft under Netherlands law, in: Uniform Law Review / Revue de Droit Uniforme, NS 6 (2001), 5-25.
HONNEBIER, B.P. – Book review of “GOODE, R. – Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Protocol thereto on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment – Official Commentary”, in: Air and Space Law, 28 (2003), 334-337.
HONNEBIER, B.P. – The Convention of Cape Town and the Aircraft Equipment Protocol: a stepping-stone towards unification of security interests in the European Union, in: International Bar Association, Newsletter Committee B, Aviation Law, (May 2004).
HONNEBIER, B. P. – The Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and Aircraft Equipment Protocol will encourage European property law reform, in: Edinburgh Law Review, (2004), 118-127.
HONNEBIER, B. P. – Het volledig gecomputeriseerde mondiale registratiesysteem voor zakelijke rechten op luchtvaartuigen zal in 2004 operationeel zijn, in: Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie, (2004), 708-711.
HONNEBIER, B.P. – Reeds vijftig jaar is binnen het Koninkrijk het luchtvervoer kostbaar: er bestaat een grote behoefte aan minder dure vliegtuigen en tickets, 50-Jaar Koninkrijk Statuut, (December 2004).
HONNEBIER, B.P. – The fully-computerized International Registry for Security Interests in Aircraft and Aircraft Protocol that will become effective towards the beginning of 2006, in: Journal of Air Law and Commerce, 70 (2005), No. 1, 63-82.
HONNEBIER, B.P. – The Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Equipment Protocol: Protecting the Registered Secured Interests of Airline Lessees, in: Air and Space Law, 30 (2005), 27-35.
International legal regimen for the taking of security in high-value mobile equipment – possibilities and challenges. Acts of the Colloquium organised by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF), under the auspices of the Government of Mexico and the MexicanCenter of Uniform Law (Ex-Colegio de la Santa Cruz de Tlatelolco, Mexico City, 11-12 October 2004). Rome, UNIDROIT, 2004.
JOHNER, T.S.E. – Das Recht der Übertragung von internationalen Sicherungsrechten an Luftfahrzeugausrüstung. Ein Beitrag zur Umsetzung des Übereinkommens über internationale Sicherungsrechte an beweglicher Ausrüstung und des Protokoll zum Übereinkommen über internationale Sicherungsrechte an beweglicher Ausrüstung betreffend Besonderheiten der Luftfahrzeugausrüstung. Baden-Baden, Nomos-Verl.-Ges., 2005, 203 pages (Nomos-Universitätsschriften – Recht, Bd. 440).
KREUZER, K. – Internationale Mobiliarsicherungsrechte an Luftfahrausrüstung. Zu der Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment und dem Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment, in: SCHWENZER, I. – HAGER, G. (Eds.) – Festschrift für Peter Schlechtriem zum 70. Geburtstag, 869-902. Tübingen, J.B.C. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 2003.
LAURENT, N. – La Convention du Cap relative aux garanties internationales portant sur des matériels d’équipement mobiles et le Protocole portant sur des questions spécifiques aux matériels d’équipement aéronautique, ASDA/SVLR Bulletin, Schweizer Fachzeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht, (2003), no. 134, 9-16.
MACIEL, R.N. – The Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and its Protocol on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment: An Argentine Perspective, in: Air & Space Law, 29 (2004), 219-229.
MAURI, G. – La convenzione di Città del Capo e il protocollo aeronautico, in: Contratto e impresa, 14 (2009) 1, pp. 503-522.
MAURI, G. – VAN ITTERBEEK, B. – Belgian aircraft finance: new perspectives: why Belgium should ratify the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and its Aircraft specific Protocol, in: Air & Space Law, 29 (2004), 208-218.
MAURI, G. – VAN ITTERBEEK, B. – The Cape Town Convention on international interests in mobile equipment and its protocol on matters specific to aircraft equipment: a Belgian perspective, in: Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, NS 9 (2004), 547-556.
McNALLY, M. – Recht der Sicherung und der Finanzierung von Luftfahrzeugen. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Übereinkommens über internationale Sicherungsrechte an beweglicher Ausrüstung und des Protokolls betreffend Besonderheiten der Luftfahrzeugausrüstung (Kapstadt 2001). Zürich, Dike, 2009, pp. XLII-284. (Schriften zur Luftfahrt, 3)
NOËL, L. – La Convention du Cap relative aux garanties internationales portant sur des matériels d’équipement mobiles et le Protocole portant sur des questions spécifiques aux matériels d’équipement aéronautiques, in: ASDA Bulletin, (2003), 9-14.
RODRÍGUEZ DE LAS HERAS BALLELL, T. – Security Rights upon Aircraft Equipment in International Trade: The Cape Town Convention and its Protocol, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2012, pp. 230 et seq.
SAIDOVA, Sanam – The Cape Town repossession and sale of charge aircraft objects in a commercially reasonable manner, in: Lloyd’s maritime and commercial law quarterly, 2013, pp. 275-284.
SALOMONS, A.F. – Should we ratify the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Air Equipment Protocol? Some remarks from a Dutch point of view, in: European Review of Private Law, 12 (2004), 67-74.
SILIKOV, A.N. – The Russian Federation and the Cape Town Convention: the Aviation Protocol , in: Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, NS 15 (2010), 133-136.
THILAK, J. – KUNWAR PAUL, T. – Cross-border aircraft financing: an Indian perspective, in: Air & Space Law, 30 (2005), 36-45.
TULLIO, L. (Ed.) – Il protocollo aeronautico annesso alla Convenzione relativa alle garanzie internazionali su beni mobili strumentali: (Città del Capo, 16 novembre 2001), Padova, Cedam, 2005, pp. vi + 412. (Collana di diritto dei trasporti: Sezione documentazione; 2)
VAN ZWIETEN, K. – The Insolvency Provisions of the Cape Town Convention and Protocols : Historical and Economic Perspectives, in: Cape Town Convention Journal, 1 (2012) pp. 53-77.
VENEZIANO, Anna – Advance relief under the Cape Town Convention and its Aircraft Protocol: a comment on Gilles Cuniberti’s interpretative proposal, in: Cape Town Convention Journal, 2013, pp. 185-190.
VENEZIANO, Anna – Security interests burdening transport vehicles: the Cape Town Convention and its implementation in national law, in: Rapports nationaux italiens = Italian national reports, 2014, pp. 561-582.
WASSGREN, H. – Rights of financiers in aircraft: a Finnish perspective on the 2001 Cape Town instruments, in: Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, NS 9 (2004), 557-572.
WINN, J.K. – The Cape Town Convention International Registry: Decoding the Secrets in Global Electronic Commerce, in: cape Town Convention Journal, 1 (2012), pp. 25-51.
Select bibliography on the Draft Protocol to the draft Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters specific to Aircraft Equipment
Informations bibliographiques sur le Projet de Protocole portant sur les questions spécifiques aux matériels d’équipement aéronautiques à la Convention relative aux garanties internationales portant sur des matériels d’équipement mobiles
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ARUNDELL, M. – WILSON, F.S. – The need for international secured transactions and leasing rules for aircraft engines through the proposed UNIDROIT Convention, in: Air and Space Law, 23 (1998), 283-286.
BOLLWEG, H.-G. – KREUZER, K.F. – Entwürfe einer UNIDROIT/ICAO-Konvention über Internationale Sicherungsrechte an beweglicher Ausrüstung und eines Protokolls über Luftfahrt-ausrüstung, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht, 21 (2000), 1361-1372.
BOLLWEG, H.-G. – GERHARD, M. – Sicherungsrechte an Luftfahrtausrüstung und Weltraumeigentum. Die Entwürfe einer UNIDROIT/ICAO – Konvention über internationale Sicherungsrechte an beweglicher Ausrüstung und der Protokolle über Luftfahrtausrüstung und Weltraumeigentum, in: Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht, 50 (2001), 373-396.
CLANCY, D. – VOSS, G. – Facilitating asset-based financing and leasing of aircraft equipment through the proposed UNIDROIT Convention: manufacturers’ perspective, in: Air and Space Law, 23 (1998), 287-289.
CLARK, L.S. – Reaching prompt international agreement on the UNIDROIT Convention and Aircraft Protocol: public/private sector cooperation and rules of procedure, in: Air and Space Law, 23 (1998), 290-293.
CLARK, L. – WOOL, J. – International aviation finance laws revisited: a report on the development of the proposed UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment as applied to aircraft, in: Annals of Air and Space Law, 23 (1998), 271-277.
CLARK, L. – WOOL, J. – A report on the development of the proposed UNIDROITConvention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment as applied to aircraft equipment, in: Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal, 31 (Spring 1999), 389-443.
CRANS, B.J.H. – The UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Aircraft Equipment Protocol: some critical observations, in: Air and Space Law, 23 (1998), 277-282.
CRANS, B.J.H. – Waarom Air Holland niet ten onder ging door dure internationale lease-contracten en waarom het wel meevalt met de problemen bij het leasen van lucht-vaartuigen, in: Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie, 131 (2000), 177-181.
CRANS, B.J.H. – Analysing the merits of the proposed UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Aircraft Equipment Protocol on the basis of a fictional scenario, in: Air and Space Law, 25 (2000), 51-56.
DJOJONEGORO, A. – The UNIDROIT proposal for a uniform air law: a new aircraft mortgage Convention? [avec sommaire en français], in: Annals of Air and Space Law, 22 (1997), Part II, 53-66.
ESPÍNOLA, S.A. – Draft Convention seeks to facilitate asset-based financing of aircraft, in: ICAO Journal, 56 (2001), 7, 29.
ESPÍNOLA, S.A. – Un projet de convention visant à faciliter le financement de matériel volant, in: Journal OACI, 56 (2001), 7, pp. 29 et seq.
GALLAGHER, T.J. – Assessment of the anticipated economic benefits of the UNIDROIT Convention, in: Air and Space Law, 23 (1998), 294-297.
HONNEBIER, B.P. – Air Holland is door dure internationale leasecontracten uitgeschakeld. De komende UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment en het Aircraft Equipment Protocol beogen het leasen van vliegtuigen minder kostbaar te maken, in: Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie, 130 (1999), No. 6383, 931-933.
HONNEBIER, B.P. – In de internationale leasepraktijk bestaat nog altijd rechtsonzekerheid met betrekking tot de financiering van de aanschaf en het gebruik van vliegtuigen en vliegtuigmotoren, in: Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie, 131 (2000), No. 6393, 181-183.
HONNEBIER, B.P. – The need for clear rules to facilitate the international financing of the aquisition and use of aircraft, in: Notarius International, Magazine for the Union of Civil Law Notaries, (2000), no. 4.
HONNEBIER, B.P. – De komende UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment en het Aircraft Equipment Protocol, in: Tijdschrift voor Vervoer en Recht, (March 2000), No. 2.
HONNEBIER, B.P. – The new international regimen proposed by UNIDROIT as a means of safeguarding rights in rem of the holder of an aircraft under Netherlands Law , in: Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, NS 6 (2001), 5-25.
HONNEBIER, B.P. – Het eenvormige zekerhedenregime van UNIDROIT waarborgt de Nederlandse rechten van de houder van een luchtvaartuig, in: Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie, 132 (2001), No. 6449, 559-569.
KRONKE, H. – The Draft UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Draft Protocol on Matters Specific to Space Assets, in: BÖCKSTIEGEL, K.-H. – “Project 2001” – Legal Framework for the Commercial Use of Outer Space. Recommendations and Conclusions to Develop the PresentState of the Law. Proceedings of an International Colloquium, Cologne, May 29-31, 2001 to present Conclusions of “Project 2001” – a joint International Research Project, 643-656. Köln [et al.], Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2002.
KRUPSKI, J.A. – Conflict of laws in aircraft securitization, in: Annals of Air and Space Law, 24 (1999), 91-153.
McGAIRL, S.J. – The proposed UNIDROIT Convention: international law for asset finance (aircraft), in: Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, NS 4 (1999), 439-462.
MOONEY, C.W., Jr. – Assignments of international interests in mobile equipment and related receivables under the UNIDROIT Convention: When should the tail wag the dog?, in: University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law, 20 (Fall 1999), 443-453.
PENTEADO RODRIGUES, T. – International regulation of interests in aircraft: the Brazilian reality and the UNIDROIT proposal, in: Journal of Air Law and Commerce, 65 (2000), 279-311.
PENTEADO RODRIGUEZ, T. – Regulamentação internacional de direitos sobre aeronaves: a proposta da UNIDROIT e a realidade brasileira, in: Revista Brasileira de Direito Aeroespacial, No. 78 (1999)
POTVIN PLAMONDON, S. – Une esquisse du système international d’inscription en vertu du projet de Convention relative aux garanties internationales portant sur des matériels d’équipement mobiles et son application au domaine de l’aéronautique selon le projet de Protocole portant sur les questions spécifiques aux matériels d’équipement aéronautiques, in: Revue du Notariat, 103 (2001), 11-31.
ROCHA, J.M.V. – Pelo fornecimento de aeronaves, in: Revista Brasileira de Direito Aeroespacial, No. 76 (1999)
WEBER, L. – ESPÍNOLA, S. – The development of a new Convention relating to international interests in mobile equipment, in particular aircraft equipment: a joint ICAO-UNIDROIT project, in: Uniform Law Review / Revue de droit uniforme, NS 4 (1999), 463-468.
WOOL, J. – The next generation of international aviation finance law: an overview of the proposed UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment as applied to aircraft equipment, in: Air and Space Law, 23 (1998), 243-276.
WOOL, J. – The case for a commercial orientation to the proposed UNIDROIT Convention as applied to aircraft equipment, in: Law and Policy in International Business, 31 (1999/2000), 79-98.
WOOL, J. – The case for a commercial orientation to the proposed UNIDROIT Convention as applied to aircraft equipment, in: Uniform Law Review, / Revue de droit uniforme, NS 4 (1999), 289-302.